I always ask myself: is this a good-faith or bad-faith effort when discerning whether or not to respond or engage with people on my page. Is it a genuine question, or, is it an orchestrated question to troll or disrupt? If you were following my page last week, you will have noticed I highlighted this tactic courtesy of the 1,000-member private and secret Facebook Group: Conservative Moms of Conejo Valley. They had orchestrated another collective effort of targeted harassment on my page, starting first by sending in a woman to post disinformation related to our school's newly adopted sex ed curriculum. The propaganda flyer she shared on my page showcased the table of contents for a book that's not linked to our new curriculum and isn't being taught in any California classroom. While I engaged in a good-faith effort to provide her with correct information, I soon learned she was not there for facts or resources, of which I provided many. She didn't come to learn more or to be informed. She came for two reasons: 1) to post disinformation as fact, and 2) to pepper my page with dozens up dozens of comments until she got blocked, so she could run back and post about being blocked ... and that's what happened. It's a two-pronged approach where the group aims to gaslight you by first attacking you and posting disinformation, and by then claiming victimhood and that you're unwilling to "debate." And then, after she kicked off her celebratory post in the group, more of them came and attempted the same. Each one pretending as she had, that they had no affiliation to or knowledge of the group, while also simultaneously posting in the group about "it's getting good," after they'd post a comment on my page. I didn't promise you they were among the brightest, did I? Meanwhile, queen bee of the mean girls herself, ousted school board member Sandee Everett, was leading and inciting the pack from inside the group .... in one breath incessantly trying to remind people that I'm irrelevant and non-influential, and in another breath stating the union and other organizations pay me voice their messages. However do I manage? I share this with you in order to give you context about how these local conservative fringe groups operate — they attack in packs, not just on social media, but in school board rooms and city councils. And, I've always believed that having context and background to help paint a fuller picture of any "advocacy" effort is extremely important for our community to know about and to understand. It's about the character of our community ... and it's important you know all of it — not just their public-facing comments. That being said, they've recently tossed any attempt of civility to the wind these past few weeks as they've staked presence at the school board meetings. They're unraveling, which I find worrisome, because that leads to desperation. And desperate people take desperate, scary action. We've got a few chaos-oriented groups here in Conejo Valley, Conservative Moms of Conejo Valley, of whom I've mentioned above, California Parent Alliance (run by Tim Cooley, Sandee Everett's first cousin), and "Informed Conejo Valley," a new group (not new people) that has popped up. These groups are working now to establish their platform issues for 2022, which includes a multi-faceted fear-mongering campaign rooted in distributing propaganda and disinformation about critical race theory and about about sex-ed in. I'm not going to delve in on the CRT issue, but here's an article that gives you an overview of this nationwide movement implemented by conservatives with the specific intent to take over school boards. So, about last night ... A group of about 35 people (I can't refer to them all as community members because some of them were from out of town), descended upon the school board meeting to talk about one thing: BUTT FUCKING. I'm not kidding. They all talked about butt fucking and anal sex. And, about vibrating toothbrushes. So much so, that I guarantee you they all hit up a sex party after the meeting together. You can't convince me otherwise. And, as wound up as they were, they definitely needed it. Person after person went up, giving performances to rival Mel Gibson at his worst. I mean that, sincerely. After the bouts of feigned outrage of materials not even slated to be a part of our curriculum, each member of "the team" was met with world series winning screams and hoots and hollering. WE'RE PROTECTING THE CHILDREN they told themselves as they fist pumped and chest bumped and screamed from the lobby ... while simultaneously booing and bullying LGBTQ+ students who were there to speak to the point where the students had to be safely escorted out a side door. The people speaking, many of whom revealed they don't have children in the district, relayed that they came after receiving a flyer in the mail and being absolutely equal parts riled up enough to come yell about it at a board meeting, but too lazy to do any basic effort to fact check it first. Others bemoaned the "death" of dressing modestly because our revised dress code will allow girls to bare their shoulders ... and you all know what that means — their sons' boners are gonna be popping up left and right in the classrooms apparently. Won't anyone think of the children? Honestly, I have to be frank ... these individuals have an unhealthy level of obsession when it comes to thinking about our children's bodies, sexualizing their bodies, and talking about their genitalia ... and to quote them, its' super "perverted," and it's super creepy. The behavior was ugly ... really, really ugly. But, it's upon us to continue to combat the lies with accurate information. I'm sharing below some information I've shared on my Facebook page ... this information has been compiled with input and confirmation from the district, because I believe facts matter. From my post on June 6 (note the image is one disinformation attempt — this book is not part of any CA curriculum): I wanted to do some digging as to why people in our community are saying that the new curriculum the district will be using teaches "bondage and blood play" ... as one Acorn article commenter alleged. Earlier this weekend, someone else shared a screenshot on my page that alleged that a book called S.E.X. was "the curriculum" we're adopting and that our district cited it as a resource. Neither of these statements are true. But why? Who is behind creating this narrative to susceptible parents? Who has created this fear-mongering propaganda and distributed it to parents as fact? Apparently it originated from a Facebook page for a group called "Informed Parents of Washington," who, in a shocking plot twist, don't appear to be that well-informed. From there, it has spread like wildfire and local fringe groups already opposed to sex education have latched on to it. We’ve seen this locally through groups like Tim Cooley’s California Parent Alliance and comments made by members of Conservative Moms of Conejo Valley, to name a few. I'm attaching a screenshot of the table of contents for a book that is NOT a part of our curriculum ... but that people in our community are widely circulating, accusing it is. Again: this is factually not true. Let's back up. At one time, this book was listed on the CDE's recommended resources, BUT it was REMOVED from the framework guidance back in 2019. I’ve written several posts related to this back during that time, but here we are! A framework is just that ... guidance. This removed book was never on a required list, and sex-ed is not mandatory. Further, districts have their own autonomy as to what they use from the recommended guidance anyway. For more background information on this, read the breakdown through Lead Stories. As far as the process for our district … the next step will be for a teacher committee that is comprised of high school health, middle school science, EL and special education teachers to ensure the needs of all students are being met in this process, to review the teaching materials and develop a course of study. This course of study will include all of the instructional materials that will actually be taught inside classrooms. After the course of study has been developed, there will be opportunities for the community to review the course. It was stated in the last board meeting that these materials will be available to review before the district provides its notification about any upcoming comprehensive sexual health instruction and reminding parents/guardians of their rights to opt out. In terms of what materials can be accessed now, multiple middle school and high schools in the district can provide parents with physical access to the student materials, which have been available since prior to the board’s vote to move forward with Teen Talk. Additionally, please be careful to remember that our district has not developed a course of study at this time, so any statements alleging what will be taught and how it will be taught are not accurate and are completely baseless. Also, Teen Talk is NOT Teen Source. Per my post on Friday, this is the accurate link to the curriculum we are moving forward on to develop our course of study. And, regardless of what anyone is trying to tell you, no one is teaching “blood play and bondage” to your child in school. The book that started that whole rumor has never been used in any classes in California schools, and as I stated, was removed as recommend reading from the CDE framework quite a while ago. Plus ... this is NOT for your elementary-aged children. Right now, changes are only being made to middle school and high school courses of study. If you're confused about Teen Talk, the sexual health curriculum the board approved on Tuesday night, which will bring CVUSD into compliance with the 2016 California Healthy Youth Act ... there are plenty of resources, including district resources that provide factual information related to this curriculum.
And from my post on June 12: More disinformation circulating around. This flyer alleges that Scarleteen is going to be taught and makes sure to emphasize “this book had to be purchased to see what was in it!” To start with, the Scarleteen book is listed as a “resource” on the youth tab of the curriculum (so you don’t need a QR code to access it, btw.) Second, as the flyer even notes, it does not give students access to the book … it lists where you can buy the book, after you click on it. Your kids can access porn with less clicks, and for free. Chill. CVUSD is not using this book in its course of study for this curriculum and is not buying this book. Per my previous re-shared post, S.E.X. Second Edition was removed from the CDE recommendation list in 2019 and hasn’t been taught in any CA schools. It will not be in our district’s course of study, either. How do I know these things? It’s a really magical power I have called: asking the district. The students you are trying to “protect” have learned more from your own propaganda flyers about bondage, blood play and BDSM then they will from the district’s sex ed course, which only comprises .03% of the overall courses students take between 7-12th grade.
6/16/2021 11:13:40 am
These people make me sick.
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